Bcbs Prefix Xyl (2024)

1. BCBS Prefix Assignment List With Contact Phone Numbers

  • DAA to DZZ · XAA to XZZ · VAA to VZZ · YAA to YZZ

  • BCBS Prefix assignments for BC prefixes AAA - ZZZ. This list of BCBS prefixes includes BC prefix ZQJ, FGP, WFQ, TEA, SZY, XYL, NSA.

2. BCBS Prefix List XAA to XZZ - Alpha Prefix Lookup by State 2024

  • Feb 24, 2021 · Blue-Cross Blue-Shield of Michigan. XYK, Michigan, Blue-Cross Blue-Shield of Michigan. XYL BCBS Prefix, Michigan, Blue-Cross Blue-Shield of ...

  • Blue Cross Blue Shield Provider Phone Number Blue Cross Blue Shield Federal Phone Number

3. BCBS Alpha Prefix from XAA to XZZ (Updated 2024)

  • Feb 29, 2024 · BCBS member ID prefix help medical billers, health care providers and patients to identify BCBS healthcare plan.

  • We have listed down all the BCBS Prefixes along with BCBS home plan name and website for BCBS member IDs ranging from XAA to XZZ.

BCBS Alpha Prefix from XAA to XZZ (Updated 2024)

4. Medicare Advantage contract numbers include new alpha prefix

5. [PDF] Quick Guide to Blue Cross and Blue Shield Member ID Cards

  • This guide offers an overview of Blue Cross and Blue Shield (BCBS) ID cards, including what the symbols mean and how to use the information on them.

6. Bcbs prefix lookup: Fill out & sign online - DocHub

  • How to complete a bcbs prefix list. Take a few steps to edit, fill out, sign, and share your blue cross prefix lookup. A simple guide how ...

  • Edit, sign, and share xxu blue cross prefix online. No need to install software, just go to DocHub, and sign up instantly and for free.

7. [PDF] BCBSIL Overview BCBSIL Provider Manual—Rev 8/07 1 Traditional ...

  • Account-specific alpha prefixes start with letters other than X, Y, Z or Q. Typically, a national account alpha prefix will relate to the name of the group ...

8. BCBS Prefix YAA - YZZ - My Payer Directory

  • Aug 12, 2020 · BCBS Prefix assignments for BC prefixes YAA - YZZ. This list of bcbs prefixes includes BC prefix YUP, YRK, YPN, YPJ, YTD, YRH, YTP, YIF.

  • BCBS Prefix assignments for BC prefixes YAA - YZZ. This list of bcbs prefixes includes BC prefix YUP, YRK, YPN, YPJ, YTD, YRH, YTP, YIF

9. Eligibility and Benefits |Prefix-Lists | AZBlue

  • Member ID Prefixes. Most BCBS member IDs start with a three-character prefix. FEP member IDs start with the letter R.

  • BCBS member ID prefixes are used to quickly route claims and electronic inquires. Prefixes may also indicate specific network and benefit plan information. Most prefixes are the first three characters of the member ID and may be a mix of letters and numbers (e.g., P9H, 99D, Y4M, Z9P). FEP plans use just the letter “R” as the prefix. If an ID does not include a prefix, please check the back of the card for instructions on validating eligibility, submitting claims, and contacting customer service.

10. Yxf bcbs prefix. Explore affordable health coverage in your are... - sainy

  • 3 days ago · BCBS Prefix assignments for BC prefixes XAA - XZZ. This list of bcbs prefixes includes BC prefix xyl, xdd, xea, xog, xek, xaa, xzl, xum, xyk ...

  • 404

11. Bcbs xyl prefix. Anthem has added a new Blue Medicare Advantage ...

  • We update BCBS prefix list data on …Most members with coverage through a Blue Cross Blue Shield Plan are assigned a Three Letter alpha prefix as a part of their ...

  • 404

12. [PDF] Common Prefix Portal List PBC - Premera Blue Cross

  • An Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association. 020469 (07-01-2024). Prefix BCBS Plan. Prefix BCBS Plan. Prefix BCBS Plan. A2T. Premera Blue ...

13. BCBS Prefix UAA - UZZ - My Payer Directory

  • Oct 3, 2020 · BCBS Prefix assignments for BC prefixes UAA - UZZ. This list of BCBS prefixes includes BC prefix UCR, UTS, UQK, UFD, UFD, UFW, U2N, UDW.

  • BCBS Prefix assignments for BC prefixes UAA - UZZ. This list of BCBS prefixes includes BC prefix UCR, UTS, UQK, UFD, UFD, UFW, U2N, UDW.

14. BCBS State by State | Blue Cross Blue Shield

  • Improving Health State-by-State, For the Health of America. In every state and every community, BCBS companies are making a difference not just for our ...

  • The Blue Cross Blue Shield System is made up of independent and locally operated companies. To access your member services, please visit your BCBS company.

15. Insurance Identifier Lookup JAA - JZZ | List Of Bcbs Prefixes

  • Aug 8, 2020 · BCBS Prefix assignments for BC prefixes JAA - JZZ. This list of bcbs prefixes includes BC prefix jft, jci, jzt, jbq, jco, jlx | List of BCBS ...

  • BCBS Prefix assignments for BC prefixes JAA - JZZ. This list of bcbs prefixes includes BC prefix jft, jci, jzt, jbq, jco, jlx | List of BCBS prefixes

16. [PDF] BlueCard® Reference Guide - Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas

  • l Identification cards without an alpha prefix — Submit claims for these services to the patient's BCBS Plan in which the member is enrolled. The address is on ...

17. Insurance Identifier Lookup TAA - TZZ | List Of Bcbs Prefixes

  • Aug 27, 2020 · BCBS Prefix assignments for BC prefixes TAA - TZZ. This list of bcbs prefixes includes BC prefix TEA, TJV, TDZ, T2G, TQE, TEN, TSW, TSJ,TJA, ...

  • BCBS Prefix assignments for BC prefixes TAA - TZZ. This list of bcbs prefixes includes BC prefix TEA, TJV, TDZ, T2G, TQE, TEN, TSW, TSJ,TJA, TQE, TOA, TXX, TYG, TYS.

Bcbs Prefix Xyl (2024)


What is the prefix xxp for BCBS? ›

By now, you should have received your new BCBS member ID card(s) your subscriber ID beginning with the 3-letter prefix 'XXP' indicating the PPO Deductible Plan. Please remember to update your medical providers and pharmacy with your new insurance information to avoid any claims issues.

What is the prefix for BCBS of Michigan? ›

PrefixPlan Name
OBEBlue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan
OBFHighmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
OBGBCBS of Tennessee
243 more rows
Aug 3, 2020

What is the prefix for Anthem BCBS NY? ›

Member ID prefixes are BAW, BGW, CFT, XNU, YXE. PPO/EPO offers our broadest in-network coverage providing greater access to high- quality care for New Yorkers. Member ID prefixes are KIH, NIW, VQA, ZVF, ZYL.

What is the prefix for BCBS of Alabama? ›

Insurance Identifier Lookup BAA – BZZ
Plan IdentifierPlan Name
BAFBCBS of Oklahoma
BAGBCBS of Alabama
BAHBCBS of Massachusetts
BAIUnassigned Prefix
243 more rows
Sep 26, 2020

What is the BCBS prefix for UFCW? ›

The prefix on UFCW member ID cards will be MBL.

What is the prefix for BCBS of Texas? ›

Identification of BlueCard Members

The alpha prefix will identify the patient's BCBS Plan (for example: ZGP for Texas), the National Account to which the member belongs (for example: HBT for Halliburton) or the patient's international BCBS Plan (for example: ZZC for Italy).

What is the abbreviation for BCBS? ›

Glossary | BCBS Terms | Blue Cross Blue Shield.

What is the prefix for Horizon BCBS of New Jersey? ›

PrefixPlan Name
NBYBCBS of Massachusetts
NBZHorizon BCBS of New Jersey
NCABCBS of Tennessee
NCBBCBS of Illinois
243 more rows
Aug 29, 2020

What state is the BCBS prefix YBC? ›

Insurance Identifier Lookup YAA – YZZ
PrefixPlan Name
YBCBCBS of Kansas City
YBDBCBS of Kansas City
YBEBCBS of Kansas City
YBFBCBS of Kansas City
242 more rows
Aug 12, 2020

What is the prefix for BCBS of Tennessee? ›

PrefixPlan Name
ZEYBlue Cross Blue Shield of Tennessee
ZEZAnthem BCBS of Wisconsin
ZFAAnthem BCBS of Missouri
ZFBAnthem BCBS of Missouri
242 more rows
Sep 24, 2020

What is the prefix for BCBS of Massachusetts? ›

Insurance Identifier Lookup MAA – MZZ
PrefixPlan Name
MCXBCBS of Massachusetts
MCYHighmark BCBS
MCZAnthem BCBS of Ohio
MDABCBS of Michigan
243 more rows
Aug 6, 2020

What is the prefix for Rhode Island BCBS? ›

PrefixPlan Name
R2HAnthem BCBS of Indiana
R2IBlue Cross Blue Shield of Rhode Island
R2JAnthem BCBS of Ohio
R2KAnthem BCBS of Ohio
243 more rows
Sep 3, 2020

What is the abbreviation for Blue Cross Blue Shield? ›

Since 1929, Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) companies have provided healthcare coverage to members, allowing them to live free of worry, free of fear. In every ZIP code, Blue Cross Blue Shield offers a personalized approach to healthcare based on the needs of the communities where their members live and work.

What is the prefix for highmark BCBS pennsylvania? ›

PrefixPlan Name
QBZHighmark BCBS of Pennsylvania
QCAIndependence Blue Cross
QCBWellmark BCBS
QCCIndependence Blue Cross
243 more rows
Aug 3, 2020

What is the payer ID for BCBS in Texas? ›

All claims should be submitted electronically. The Electronic Payor ID for BCBSTX is 84980.

What is the prefix for FEP BCBS? ›

Insurance Identifiers FAA to FZZ
PrefixPlan Name
FEPUnassigned Prefix
FEQCarefirst BCBS of Maryland
FERHighmark BCBS
FESHighmark BCBS
242 more rows
Feb 3, 2015

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