Kharid-et Dig Site - RuneScape Guide (2024)

Kharid-et is a large dig site spanning several areas. It can be excavated starting at level 5 and its last Hotspots can be accessed at level 118. There are a total of 6 different Cache types, 7 Research locations, and 8 Mysteries.

The sections below will give you details concerning each section of the dig site.


Kharid-et Dig Site - RuneScape Guide (1)


The outside section of Kharid-et, you can find the following Hotspots:

5 Venator remains 70 - Venator dagger (damaged)
- Venator light crossbow (damaged)
6.4 - Third Age iron
- Zarosian insignia


In addition to Hotspots, there is 1 type of Cache located here. Collecting Materials from this cache will also give you soil. This Caches includes the following:

12 Samite silk 24.3 Kharid-et Dig Site - RuneScape Guide (2)


There are no Research locations in this section of Kharid-et.


There is only 1 Mystery which can be completed outside of Kharid-et. This Mystery is called "Breaking the Seal" and requires 12 Archaeology. It can be completed by clearing the Fortress door of sand and using a repaired Centurion's seal on the door to unlock it. Doing so will earn you 900 Archaeology experience and access to the Main Fortress. For more information on how to complete Mysteries, please see the Mysteries Special Report.

Main Fortress

Kharid-et Dig Site - RuneScape Guide (3)


Within the Main Fortress section of Kharid-et, you can find the following 11 Hotspots:

12 Legionary remains 104 - Legionary gladius (damaged)
- Legionary square shield (damaged)
- Primis Elementis standard (damaged)
9.3 - Imperial steel
- Samite silk
- Third Age iron
17 Castra debris 109 - Zaros effigy (damaged)
- Zarosian training dummy (damaged)
9.8 - Samite silk
- Third Age iron
- White oak
- Zarosian insignia
25 Administratum debris 126 - Legatus Maximus figurine (damaged)
- 'Solem in Umbra' painting (damaged)
11.2 - Ancient vis
- Goldrune
- Tyrian purple
- Zarosian insignia
74 Kharid-et chapel debris 335 - Ceremonial mace (damaged)
- 'Consensus ad Idem' painting (damaged)
- Pontifex Maximus figurine (damaged)
30 - Goldrune
- Third Age iron
- Tyrian purple
- White oak
81 Pontifex remains 422 - Pontifex censer (damaged)
- Pontifex crozier (damaged)
- Pontifex mitre (damaged)
37.9 - Ancient vis
- Goldrune
- Zarosian insignia
86 Orcus altar 537 - 'Exsanguinate' spell scroll (damaged)
- Necromantic focus (damaged)
48.3 - Ancient vis
- Blood of Orcus
- Imperial steel
- Vellum
93 Armarium debris 690 - Zarosian ewer (damaged)
- Zarosian stein (damaged)
62 - Imperial steel
- Third Age iron
- Zarosian insignia
100 Culinarum debris 956 - 'Smoke Cloud' spell scroll (damaged)
- Vigorem vial (damaged)
86 - Ancient vis
- Blood of Orcus
- Imperial steel
- Vellum
Praetorium war table
107 Ancient magick munitions 1,293 - Ancient magic tablet (damaged)
- 'Animate Dead' spell scroll (damaged)
- Portable phylactery (damaged)
116 - Ancient vis
- Blood of Orcus
- Imperial steel
- Vellum
114 Praetorian remains 1,557 - Praetorian hood (damaged)
- Praetorian robes (damaged)
- Praetorian staff (damaged)
140 - Ancient vis
- Imperial steel
- Samite silk
- Zarosian insignia
118 War table debris 1,761 - Ancient globe (damaged)
- Battle plans (damaged)
- 'Prima Legio' painting (damaged)
158 - Ancient vis
- Tyrian purple
- Vellum
- White oak


In addition to Hotspots, there are 5 types of Caches located here. Collecting Materials from these caches will also give you soil. Cache locations include the following:

Map NumberLevelMaterialExperienceMembers
1 5 Zarosian insignia 24.3 Kharid-et Dig Site - RuneScape Guide (4)
2 12 Imperial steel 24.2 Kharid-et Dig Site - RuneScape Guide (5)
3 25 Ancient vis 24.2 Kharid-et Dig Site - RuneScape Guide (6)
4 25 Tyrian purple 24.1 Kharid-et Dig Site - RuneScape Guide (7)
5 58 Blood of Orcus 30.2 Kharid-et Dig Site - RuneScape Guide (8)


There are 5 Research locations within the Main Fortress. Keep in mind that you only need to have access to a Research Team to study the area. For the team to complete their research, however, you will need the appropriate level.

  1. Proving Grounds
    • Requirement: 17 Archaeology
    • Study: Barracks
    • Rewards: 1,333 Archaeology experience and Zarosian training dunny (damaged)
  2. Demon Door
    • Requirement: 12 Archaeology
    • Study: Outer Wall Debris along the Eastern wall by the entrance, near the Imperial steel cache
    • Rewards: 1,333 Archaeology experience, 1 Legionary gladius (damaged), and 10 Pylon batteries
  3. Shadow Play
    • Requirement: 107 Archaeology
    • Study: Enter the War table (Pylon may need to be active) and study the War Table
    • Rewards: 38,571 Archaeology experience and 'Animate Dead' spell scroll (damaged)
  4. Where There's Smoke
    • Requirement: 100 Archaeology
    • Study: Oven within the kitchen area
    • Rewards: 26,666 Archaeology experience and 'Smoke Cloud' spell scroll (damaged)
  5. Requiescat in Pace
    • Requirement: 86 Archaeology
    • Study: Stained glass window above the altar in the Chapel area
    • Rewards: 13,333 Archaeology experience and Necromantic focus (damaged)


There are 4 Mysteries which can be completed within the Main Fortress. For more information on how to complete these Mysteries, please see the Mysteries Special Report.

  1. Prison Break
    • Requirements: 12 Archaeology and completion of "Breaking the Seal"
    • Basic Details: Obtain all 4 Custodian's log pages then repair and unlock the Prison door (Shadow, Blood, Smoke, Ice)
    • Reward: 900 Archaeology experience and access to the Prison Block
  2. The Cult of Orcus
    • Requirements: 74 Archaeology & completion of "Prison Break"
    • Basic Details: Obtain all 3 Pater's log pages and speak to Dr. Nabanik
    • Reward: 11,000 Archaeology experience
  3. Shadow Fall
    • Requirements: 107 Archaeology & completion of "Prison Break"
    • Basic Details: Obtain all 5 Praetorian's log pages and speak to Dr. Nabanik
    • Reward: 54,000 Archaeology experience
  4. Decimation
    • Requirements: 107 Archaeology & completion of "Prison Break"
    • Basic Details: Obtain all 6 Commander's log pages and speak to Dr. Nabanik
    • Reward: 54,000 Archaeology experience


In order to pass the Pontifex barrier, blocking you from entering the Chapel in the South East corner, you will need to have a repaired Pontifex signet ring either equipped, in your inventory, or on your toolbelt. Once inside the chapel, you can obtain the Hand of glory (Kharid-et) from atop the Orcus altar on the East side of the room.


While Excavating in the Main Fortress area or the Prison Block, you will occasionally receive Pylon batteries. These are used to charge the 2 large Pylons found within the Main Fortress and cannot be banked. When fully charged, the Pylons will activate for 30 minutes and enable the Protection of Zaros buff; this buff will be active in both the Main Fortress and the Prison Block. While this is active you will gain:

  • +10% Archaeology experience
  • +5% Precision on your mattock
  • Access to the Shadow Realm within the Fortress possible without Ring of visibility
    • Entrance to the Praetorium war table
    • Visibility of the Ghost legionaries
  • Chance to obtain Inquisitor's staff pieces (all Hotspots and Caches within the Fortress)

As mentioned before, to charge a Pylon, you will need to use Pylon batteries on it. Each battery accounts for 0.001% of a charge and you will earn some experience for using them - more experience when 10+ Pylon batteries are added. Note that ALL Pylons in all worlds share their charge. The charge of the Pylon can be checked by Right clicking it and choosing "Check Charge".

Excavating any of the Hotspots within Kharid-et while the Pylon is active will complete the "Warm Glow" Achievement.

Praetorium War Table

This is a location found within the Main Fortress, however, it is not always accessable. To enter the war table, you must either be wearing a Ring of visibility or have claimed Sliske's gift to see the Shadow Realm (requires completion of Fate of the Gods) AND the Pylon (see above) must be active or you must have activated all 8 Anchors.

Within the War table, you will find 3 Hotspots (listed above) as well as 1 Research study location.


Around the Main Fortress are 8 pink diamonds mounted in the walls. These are anchors and they can be powered by using 10 Pylon batteries on each one of them. Note that to access all 8 Anchors, you will need at least 58 Archaeology as a repaired Pontifex signet ring is required to reach those within the Chapel.

Powering up some of the Anchors will cause a Ghost legionary to appear. Interacting with various ones of them will result in them presenting you with materials. Which ghost will give you what depends upon which one you interact with first, however, you will end up with the following once you have activated all anchors and interacted with all ghosts: experience dependent upon your level, 20 Zarosian insignia, 30 Tyrian purple, 30 Goldrune, 30 Blood of Orcus, 40 Ancient vis, 40 Samite silk, and 50 Imperial steel.

Ghost Legionaries can be found with the following Anchors:

Map NumberLocation NotesLegionary?
1 Southern Barracks wall Yes, found within the Barracks to the North of the door.
2 South East of the entrance, North of the Tyrian purple caches No
3 Behind the kitchen No
4 Room East of the Kicthen Yes, found just outside the room. Pylon must be active or all 8 Anchors charged.
5 East of the Chapel (Pontifex signet ring required) Yes, found outside the Chapel along the North wall. Pylon must be active or all 8 Anchors charged.
6 Southern wall of the Chapel (Pontifex signet ring required) Yes, found inside the Chapel along the North wall.
7 South West of the Chapel Yes, found next to the Pontifex barrier.
8 South Western most room Yes, found on the wall across from the anchor.

Prison Block

Kharid-et Dig Site - RuneScape Guide (9)


Within the Prison Block section of Kharid-et, you can find the following Hotspots:

47 Praesidio remains 184 - Ancient timepiece (damaged)
- Legatus pendant (damaged)
16.5 - Ancient vis
- Goldrune
- Imperial steel
- Third Age iron
58 Carcerem debris 201 - 'Incite Fear' spell scroll (damaged)
- Pontifex signet ring (damaged)
18 - Ancient vis
- Blood of Orcus
- Goldrune
- Vellum


There is only 1 Research location within the Prison Block. Keep in mind that you only need to have access to a Research Team to study the area. For the team to complete their research, however, you will need the appropriate level.

  1. Cell a Door
    • Requirement: 47 Archaeology
    • Study: Prison cell door just North of the Legatus barrier
    • Rewards: 2,033 Archaeology experience and Legatus pendant (damaged)


There is only 1 Mystery which can be completed within the Prison Block. This Mystery is called "Time Served" and requires 47 Archaeology. It can be completed by using a repaired Ancient timepiece on the Cell controller at the Northern most end of the area. Doing so will earn you 2,800 Archaeology experience and access to the Vault. For more information on how to complete Mysteries, please see the Mysteries Special Report.


In order to pass the Legatus barrier, you will need to have a repaired Legatus pendant either equipped, in your inventory, or on your toolbelt.


Kharid-et Dig Site - RuneScape Guide (10)


There are no Hotspot locations in this section of Kharid-et.


There is only 1 Research location within the Vault. Keep in mind that you only need to have access to a Research Team to study the area. For the team to complete their research, however, you will need the appropriate level.

  1. Lockdown
    • Requirement: 58 Archaeology
    • Study: Central vault
    • Rewards: 3,111 Archaeology experience and Pontifex signet ring (damaged)


There are 2 Mysteries which can be completed within the Main Fortress. For more information on how to complete these Mysteries, please see the Mysteries Special Report.

  1. The Forgotten Prisoner
    • Requirements: 107 Archaeology & completion of "Prison Break"
    • Basic Details: Free Xil'Gar Trog (the demon soul... from his prison... where he is because he committed treason). A repaired Portable phylactery will be needed.
    • Reward: 54,000 Archaeology experience
  2. The Vault of Shadows
    • Requirements: 107 Archaeology & completion of "Time Served"
    • Basic Details: Complete 4 puzzles (found through out the Fortress) that lead to a Shadow engrammeter which you must fill to obtain a memory.
    • Reward: There are multiple levels of this Mystery that can be completed at various levels. Each section will award the following points:
      • (Level 58) 2,500 Archaeology experience - Ice Button completion
      • (Level 86) 5,000 Archaeology experience - Blood Button completion
      • (Level 100) 7,500 Archaeology experience - Smoke Button completion
      • (Level 107) 10,000 Archaeology experience - Shadow Button completion
      • 25,000 Divination - Engrammeter step completion
      • 30,000 Archaeology experience - full completion

Kharid-et Dig Site - RuneScape Guide (2024)
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Name: Manual Maggio

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.