Wireless Keyboard K360 (2024)

Wireless Keyboard K360 (1)

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Wenn sich Ihre Support-Anfrage auf ein Tap Gerät bezieht, das nicht als Teil eines Microsoft Teams Rooms-Pakets mit JumpStart Service, sondern als eigenständiges Tap Gerät oder als Teil eines Zoom Room- oder Hangouts Meet-Pakets verkauft wurde, kontaktieren Sie den Logitech Support direkt über diesen Link.

"; var jumpstartThankyouPage = "

Your service request has been submitted.
An email from a JumpStart expert will be sent to [[form_email]]. Please check your Spam / Junk folder if you do not receive an email from JumpStart within 1 business day.
You may now close this window or continue browsing the support website.

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"; var jumpstartNote = "Bitte geben Sie die Informationen auf Englisch an."; var jumpstartDescRemnder = "Erinnerung: Bitte eine Beschreibung auf Englisch angeben"; var submitButton = "SENDEN"; var preferred_contact_method_id="360019387373"; var country_id="360019382014"; var meeting_platform_id="360019385793"; var connected_hardware_id="360019373114"; var jumpstart_endpoint="https://apim.workato.com/jumpstart-server-side-v1-10/jumpstart-validation"; var jumpstart_token="12f3a49ab58ec7900904a3f0c56153963e84cdcead336a41edb31614a9e40bba"; var emeaLanguages = { "fi": "Logi_T1_EMEA_FI", "no": "Logi_T1_EMEA_NO", "sv": "Logi_T1_EMEA_SV", "da": "Logi_T1_EMEA_DA", "cs": "Logi_T1_EMEA_CS", "pl": "Logi_T1_EMEA_PL", "tr": "Logi_T1_EMEA_TR", "el": "Logi_T1_EMEA_EL", "pt-br": "Logi_T1_AMR_PT"}; var routing_logitech = { "en-za": "Logi_T1_EMEA_EN", "de-at": "Logi_T1_EMEA_DE", "de-ch": "Logi_T1_EMEA_DE", "de": "Logi_T1_EMEA_DE", "en-ca": "Logi_T1_AMR_EN", "en-ch": "Logi_T1_EMEA_EN", "en-gb": "Logi_T1_EMEA_EN", "en-150": "Logi_T1_EMEA_EN", "en-us": "Logi_T1_AMR_EN", "fr-be": "Logi_T1_EMEA_FR","cs": "Logi_T1_EMEA_CS","da": "Logi_T1_EMEA_DA","de": "Logi_T1_EMEA_DE","de-ch": "Logi_T1_EMEA_DE","de-da": "Logi_T1_EMEA_DE","el": "Logi_T1_EMEA_EL","en-150": "Logi_T1_EMEA_EN","en-ch": "Logi_T1_EMEA_EN","es": "Logi_T1_EMEA_ES","fi": "Logi_T1_EMEA_FI","fr-be": "Logi_T1_EMEA_FR","fr-ch": "Logi_T1_EMEA_FR","fr": "Logi_T1_EMEA_FR","hu": "Logi_T1_EMEA_HU","it-ch": "Logi_T1_EMEA_IT","it": "Logi_T1_EMEA_IT","nl-be": "Logi_T1_EMEA_NL","nl": "Logi_T1_EMEA_NL","no": "Logi_T1_EMEA_NO","pl": "Logi_T1_EMEA_PL","ru": "Logi_T1_EMEA_RU","sv": "Logi_T1_EMEA_SV","th": "Logi_T1_EMEA_TR","tr": "Logi_T1_EMEA_TR","en-ca": "Logi_T1_AMR_EN","fr-ca": "Logi_T1_AMR_FR","es-ar": "Logi_T1_AMR_ES","es-419": "Logi_T1_AMR_ES","es-mx": "Logi_T1_AMR_ES","pt-br": "Logi_T1_AMR_PT","en-au": "Logi_T1_AP_EN","en-hk": "Logi_T1_AP_EN","en-in": "Logi_T1_AP_EN","en-my": "Logi_T1_AP_EN","en-nz": "Logi_T1_AP_EN","en-ph": "Logi_T1_AP_EN","en-sg": "Logi_T1_AP_EN","jp": "Logi_T1_AP_JA","ja": "Logi_T1_AP_JA","ko": "Logi_T1_AP_KO","vi": "Logi_T1_AP_EN","zh-cn": "Logi_T1_AP_ZHCN","zh-hk": "Logi_T1_AP_ZHTW","zh-tw": "Logi_T1_AP_ZHTW" }; var routing_b2b = { "en-za": "B2B_T1_EMEA_EN", "de-at": "B2B_T1_EMEA_DE", "de-ch": "B2B_T1_EMEA_DE", "de": "B2B_T1_EMEA_DE", "en-ca": "B2B_T1_AMR_EN", "en-ch": "B2B_T1_EMEA_EN", "en-gb": "B2B_T1_EMEA_EN", "en-150": "B2B_T1_EMEA_EN", "en-us": "B2B_T1_AMR_EN", "fr-be": "B2B_T1_EMEA_FR", "fr-ch": "B2B_T1_EMEA_FR", "fr": "B2B_T1_EMEA_FR", "nl-be": "B2B_T1_EMEA_NL", "nl": "B2B_T1_EMEA_NL" }; var routing_harmony = { "en-za": "Harmony_T1_EMEA_EN", "de-at": "Harmony_T1_EMEA_DE", "de-ch": "Harmony_T1_EMEA_DE", "de": "Harmony_T1_EMEA_DE", "en-ca": "Harmony_1_AMR_EN", "en-ch": "Harmony_T1_EMEA_EN", "en-gb": "Harmony_T1_EMEA_EN", "en-150": "Harmony_T1_EMEA_EN", "en-us": "Harmony_1_AMR_EN", "fr-be": "Harmony_T1_EMEA_FR", "fr-ch": "Harmony_T1_EMEA_FR", "fr": "Harmony_T1_EMEA_FR", "nl-be": "Harmony_T1_EMEA_NL", "nl": "Harmony_T1_EMEA_NL" }; var routing_gaming = { "en-za": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_EN", "de-at": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_DE", "de-ch": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_DE", "de": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_DE", "en-ca": "Gaming_T1_AMR_EN", "en-ch": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_EN", "en-gb": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_EN", "en-us": "Gaming_T1_AMR_EN", "fr-be": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_FR", "cs": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_CS","da": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_DA","de": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_DE","de-ch": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_DE","de-da": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_DE","el": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_EL","en-150": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_EN","en-ch": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_EN","es": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_ES","fi": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_FI","fr-be": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_FR","fr-ch": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_FR","fr": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_FR","hu": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_HU","it-ch": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_IT","it": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_IT","nl-be": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_NL","nl": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_NL","no": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_NO","pl": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_PL","ru": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_RU","sv": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_SV","th": "Gaming_T1_AP_EN","tr": "Gaming_T1_EMEA_TR","en-ca": "Gaming_T1_AMR_EN","fr-ca": "Gaming_T1_AMR_FR","es-ar": "Gaming_T1_AMR_ES","es-419": "Gaming_T1_AMR_ES","es-mx": "Gaming_T1_AMR_ES","pt-br": "Gaming_T1_AMR_PT","en-au": "Gaming_T1_AP_EN","en-hk": "Gaming_T1_AP_EN","en-in": "Gaming_T1_AP_EN","en-my": "Gaming_T1_AP_EN","en-nz": "Gaming_T1_AP_EN","en-ph": "Gaming_T1_AP_EN","en-sg": "Gaming_T1_AP_EN","jp": "Gaming_T1_AP_JA","ja": "Gaming_T1_AP_JA","ko": "Gaming_T1_AP_KO","vi": "Gaming_T1_AP_EN","zh-cn": "Gaming_T1_AP_ZHCN","zh-hk": "Gaming_T1_AP_ZHTW","zh-tw": "Gaming_T1_AP_ZHTW" }; var routing_seed = { "en-ca": "B2B_T1_AMR_EN", "en-us": "B2B_T1_AMR_EN" }; var warrantystatusHeader = "Garantiestatus nachsehen"; var warrantystatusContent = `

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Es ist wichtig, das richtige Land anzugeben.*

`; var warranty_status_workato_endpoint="https://apim.workato.com/product-lookup-v10/prod/warranty-for-serial-num"; var warranty_status_workato_token="eada23b666b5b1597cac6a0b2b62e219e30f09077fd75cb3ba8c361e74289a0f"; var warranty_status_form_final_page_based_on_ext_warranty =`Enddatum der Garantie
Anhand Garantieverlängerung (JJJJ-MM-TT)`; var checking_serial_number_warranty_status_form_id = "360006739433"; var warranty_status_form_final_page_based_on_serial_num =`Enddatum der Garantie
Anhand Seriennummer (JJJJ-MM-TT)`; var warranty_status_form_final_page_based_on_purchase_date =`Enddatum der Garantie
Anhand Kaufdatum (JJJJ-MM-TT)`; var productList_Response; var warranty_end_date; var warranty_type; var today; var continuebutton = `Weiter`; var backbutton = `Zurück`; var Unexpectederror = `Fehler beim Abrufen des Enddatums über workato`; var invalidSerialerror = `Geben Sie eine gültige Seriennummer ein.`; var noproduct_message =" Keine Produkte gefunden"; var fieldIdMap = new Map([ ["Product",{"id":"360019373854","name":"Product", "hideonload":false,"required":true}], ["serial_number_or_confirmation_code" , { "id":"360019376633", "hideonload":false,"required":true}], ["name" , { "id":"360019375594", "hideonload":false,"required":true}] , ["company_name" , { "id":"360019364774", "hideonload":false,"required":false}], ["email" , { "id":"requester_email", "hideonload":false,"required":false}], ["language" , { "id":"360019366794", "hideonload":false,"required":false}], ["country" , { "id":"360019382014", "hideonload":false,"required":false}], ["phone_number" , { "id":"360019385593", "hideonload":false,"required":false}], ["software_one_case_id" , { "id":"360019378373", "hideonload":false,"required":true}], ["description" , { "id":"description", "hideonload":false,"required":true}], ["RMA_required" , { "id":"360019378533", "hideonload":false,"required":true}], ["shipping_method" , { "id":"360019366894", "hideonload":true,"required":false}], ["street_address" , { "id":"360019376293", "hideonload":true,"required":false}], ["city" , { "id":"360019364094", "hideonload":true,"required":false}], ["state" , { "id":"360019376333", "hideonload":true,"required":false}], ["postal_code" , { "id":"360019364134", "hideonload":true,"required":false}], ["internal_note" , { "id":"360019366814", "hideonload":false,"required":true}], ["software_one_agent_name" , { "id":"360019366854", "hideonload":false,"required":true}], ["authentication_code" , { "id":"360019366874", "hideonload":false,"required":true}], ["attachment" , { "id":"request-attachments", "hideonload":false,"required":false}], ["type" , { "id":"360011873473","name":"type", "hideonload":true,"required":false}], ["priority" , { "id":"360011873493","name":"priority", "hideonload":true,"required":false}], ["ticket_origin" , { "id":"360019375494","name":"ticket_origin", "hideonload":true,"required":false}], ["secondary_origin" , { "id":"360019749493","name":"secondary_origin", "hideonload":true,"required":false}], ["disposition" , { "id":"360019426594","name":"disposition", "hideonload":true,"required":false}], ["linked_product_id" , { "id":"360019372674","name":"linked_product_id", "hideonload":true,"required":false}], ["business_group" , { "id":"360019386653","name":"Business Group", "hideonload":true,"required":false}], ["routing_category" , { "id":"360019426873","name":"Routing Category", "hideonload":true,"required":false}], ["product_id" , { "id":"360019382494","name":"Product Id", "hideonload":true,"required":false}], ["product_short_name" , { "id":"360019373054","name":"Product Short Name", "hideonload":true,"required":false}], ]);; var fieldDependancyMap = new Map([["RMA_required" , new Map([ [ "yes" , [ { "field":"shipping_method", "display":true, "required":true},{ "field":"street_address", "display":true, "required":true},{ "field":"city", "display":true, "required":true},{ "field":"state", "display":true, "required":true},{ "field":"postal_code", "display":true, "required":true}] ], [ "rma_no" , [ { "field":"shipping_method", "display":"false", "required":false},{ "field":"street_address", "display":false, "required":false},{ "field":"city", "display":false, "required":false},{ "field":"state", "display":false, "required":false},{ "field":"postal_code", "display":false, "required":false}] ] ]) ] ]);; var jumpstartEscalationStaticFieldVal = new Map([ ["subject", {"value": "JUMPSTART Service Escalation Request"}], ["ticket_form_id", {"value": "360001032333"}], ["routing_cat", {"value": "routing_seed","id": "360019426873"}], ["product_id", {"id": "360019382494"}]]);; var assetsSmartdock = "/hc/theming_assets/01J0B626M5VKYW02RMB0G1NNB2"; var jumpstartEscalationHeader = "JUMPSTART SERVICE-ESKALATIONSANFRAGE"; var jumpstartEscalationContent = "

Bitte verwenden Sie dieses Formular, um ein Support-Ticket für den Logitech Support zu erstellen

"; var jumpstartEscalationBanner = "

Hilfe bei der Einrichtung

Wireless Keyboard K360 (2)

"; var invalidError = "Das entspricht nicht der Seriennummer auf einem Tap-Display. Sie können die Seriennummer auf der Unterseite des Tap finden, indem Sie das untere Gehäuse des Tap abschrauben und/oder den bereits installierten Adapter entfernen. Sie können die Seriennummer auch auf der Verpackung des Tap-Produkts finden."; var invalidErrorForjumpstartEscalation = "Ungültiger Code, bitte geben Sie entweder Ihren Bestätigungscode oder Ihre Produktseriennummer erneut ein."; var expiredError = "Leider ist Ihr Anspruch auf JumpStart Serviceleistungen abgelaufen. Wenn Sie Hilfe zur Problembehebung oder technische Unterstützung benötigen, wenden Sie sich an den Logitech Support unter https://support.logi.com"; var unexpectedError = "Ein unerwarteter Fehler ist aufgetreten. Bitte kontaktieren Sie den Logitech Kundensupport unter https://support.logi.com"; var invalidEmail = "Geben Sie eine gültige E-Mail-Adresse ein."; var invalidAuthenticationcode = "Geben Sie einen gültigen Authentifizierungscode ein." var jumpstartEscalationThankyouPage = "

Ihre Serviceanforderung wurde gesendet.
Einer unserer Service-Experten wird sich innerhalb eines Werktages mit Ihnen in Verbindung setzen, um Ihnen behilflich zu sein.
Sie können dieses Fenster jetzt schließen oder Sie bleiben auf der Support-Website.

"; var jumpstart_escalation_endpoint="https://apim.workato.com/jumpstart-server-side-v1-10/jumpstart-escalation"; var jumpstartphoneinfo = ""; var enterEmail = "E-Mail-Adresse eingeben"; var emptyNameErrorMsg = ""; var emailSuccess = "Die E-Mail wurde erfolgreich gesendet."; var emailRetry = "Bitte versuchen Sie es noch einmal."; var countryList = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify({ country: { "zh-hk": "country_hk", "en-150": "country_gb", "en-hk": "country_hk", "en-in": "country_in", "en-ie": "country_ie", "en-my": "country_my", "en-nz": "country_nz", "en-ph": "country_ph", "en-sg": "country_sg", "en-za": "country_za", "en-ch": "country_ch", "zh-cn": "country_cn", "en-gb": "country_gb", "en-us": "country_us", "en-001": "country_us", "fi": "country_fi", "fr": "country_fr", "fr-be": "country_be", "fr-ca": "country_ca", "fr-ch": "country_ch", "de": "country_de", "de-at": "country_at", "zh-tw": "country_tw", "de-ch": "country_ch", "el": "country_gr", "hu": "counrty_hu", "id": "country_id", "it": "country_it", "it-ch": "country_ch", "ja": "country_jp", "ko": "country_kr", "no": "country_no", "pl": "country_pl", "cs": "country_cz", "pt-br": "country_br", "ru": "country_ru", "es": "country_es", "es-ar": "country_ar", "es-419": "country_mx", "es-mx": "country_mx", "sv": "country_se", "th": "country_th", "tr": "country_tr", "vi": "country_vn", "da": "country_dk", "nl": "country_nl", "nl-be": "country_be", "en-au": "country_au", "en-ca": "country_ca" }})); var IEFieldMap = new Map([["name" , { "id":"360019375594","name":"Name", "hideonload":false,"required":true}] ,["email" , { "id":"requester_email","name":"Email", "hideonload":false,"required":false}],["Country" , { "id":"360019382014","name":"Country", "hideonload":false,"required":true}],["product_type" , { "id":"360019373874","name":"Product Type", "hideonload":false,"required":true}],["escalation_origin" , { "id":"360019375554","name":"Escalation Origin", "hideonload":false,"required":true}],["authentication_code" , { "id":"360019366874","name":"Authentication Code", "hideonload":false,"required":true}],["description" , { "id":"description","name":"Description of Customer's Issue", "hideonload":false,"required":true}],["type" , { "id":"360011873473","name":"type", "hideonload":true,"required":false}],["priority" , { "id":"360011873493","name":"priority", "hideonload":true,"required":false}],["ticket_origin" , { "id":"360019375494","name":"ticket_origin", "hideonload":true,"required":false}],["secondary_origin" , { "id":"360019749493","name":"secondary_origin", "hideonload":true,"required":false}],["disposition" , { "id":"360019426594","name":"disposition", "hideonload":true,"required":false}], ["linked_product_id" , { "id":"360019372674","name":"linked_product_id", "hideonload":true,"required":false}] ]);; var IEStaticFieldVal = new Map([ ["subject", {"value": "Internal Escalation Request"}], ["ticket_form_id", {"value": "360001040834"}]]);; var IEHeader = "INTERNE ESKALATIONSANFORDERUNG"; var IEContent = "

Bitte verwenden Sie dieses Formular, um eine Eskalation an den Kundensupport über soziale Medien zu senden

"; var IEThankyouPage = "

Ihre Serviceanforderung wurde gesendet.
Einer unserer Service-Experten wird sich innerhalb eines Werktages mit Ihnen in Verbindung setzen, um Ihnen behilflich zu sein.
Sie können dieses Fenster jetzt schließen oder Sie bleiben auf der Support-Website.

"; var assetsEducationSupportHeroImage = "/hc/theming_assets/01J0B6EJBDNR9DTRKPTXVCV2RM"; var serialNoInfo = "

Bitte nur eine Seriennummer eingeben. Wenn Sie mehrere Seriennummern registrieren möchten, können Sie unten eine CSV-Datei als Anhang hochladen.

"; var eduHeroTitle = "Logitech Education – Support"; var notLoggedInUserInfo = "Es ist nicht erforderlich, ein Benutzerkonto zu haben. Dies ermöglicht es Ihnen jedoch, Ihr Produkt zu registrieren, um die Dauer Ihrer eingeschränkten Hardwaregarantie zu überprüfen, Ihren Supportverlauf anzuzeigen und auf Ihre Bedürfnisse zugeschnittenen Support zu erhalten."; var productInfoConsumerURL = "

Ihr Produkt wird nicht angezeigt? Sehen Sie sich auf unserer Kundendienst-Seite um!

"; var education_support_form_id = "360004097733"; var education_fields = "360019375594,360019382014,360019395193,360044898493,1900002403645"; education_fields = education_fields.split(" ").join(""); var serialNumberTicketFieldId = "360019395193"; var response_center_form_id = "360001149214"; var responseCenterFieldMap = new Map([["name" , { "id":"360019375594", "name":"Name", "hideonload":false,"required":true, "show":true }] ,["email" , { "id":"requester_email", "name":"Email", "hideonload":false,"required":true, "show":true}],["topics_case_category" , { "id":"360019379113", "name":"Topics/Case Category", "hideonload":false,"required":true, "show":true}],["Country" , { "id":"360019382014", "name":"Country", "hideonload":false,"required":true, "show":true}],["description" , { "id":"description", "name":"Description of Customer's Issue", "hideonload":false,"required":true, "show":true}]]);; var resCenterFormCont = "

Danke für Ihren Besuch beim Logitech Response Center. Bitte verwenden Sie dieses Formular, um (1) Feedback über unsere Datenschutzmaßnahmen zu geben oder die Löschung Ihrer Daten zu beantragen; (2) Ansprüche aus Verletzungen von Urheberrechten oder Warenzeichen geltend zu machen; (3) ein Sicherheitsproblem auf einer Website, Phishing-E-Mails, Produktfälschungen zu melden; oder (4) Anfragen zu anderen verfügbaren Themen zu stellen. Wir freuen uns darauf, von Ihnen zu hören. Damit wir Ihre Anfrage bestmöglich beantworten können, wählen Sie bitte aus der nachstehenden Liste ein Thema und füllen Sie die folgenden Felder aus.

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var jaybirdBannerContent = '

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'; var jaybirdThankyouPage = '

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"2983", "R041" : "3228", "J022" : "3289", "S092" : "606", "N080" : "2977", "S028" : "3712", "T065" : "4345", "Q087" : "5186", "V041" : "5588", "D100" : "6064", "WA06" : "9341", "R638" : "10146", "D155" : "10773", "T097" : "10828", "D076" : "2987", "T020" : "5726", "T106" : "10152", "T024" : "10153", "U022" : "4160", "G001" : "156", "D169" : "11137", "D128" : "11574", "V051" : "219", "N054" : "288", "D009" : "823", "V015" : "3386", "L072" : "2991", "J043" : "2998", "M059" : "3362", "N999" : "3380", "A090" : "5753", "R603" : "6335", "J068" : "7454", "N999" : "3391", "M088" : "3881", "4680" : "4680", "J024" : "5759", "R095" : "6526", "V304" : "7079", "U024" : "7918", "J116" : "10527", "R116" : "8452", "M140" : "11365", "J163" : "11394", "K017" : "586", "I011" : "5494", "S105" : "5742", "R573" : "7271", "S008" : "316", "M047" : "167", "D014" : "911", "K006" : "3001", "J999" : "3006", "D032" : "132", "A043" : "137", "V012" : "3396", "R106" : "6625", "V123" : "7253", "V204" : "8088", "R087" : "8611", "L075" : "9880", "J123" : "10685", "V327" : "10715", "U008" : "5882", "7869" : "7869", "V100" : "6613", "V014" : "245", "R089" : "349", "U043" : "371", "D017" : "958", "T002" : "239", "V099" : "3404", "M155" : "12523", "T087" : "4125", "U022" : "373", "U073" : "11586", "W006" : "3357", "V328" : "11147", "W015" : "11116", "W016" : "11529", "V048" : "3520", "N053" : "3554", "F018" : "6096", "V038" : "3781", "I018" : "6394", "D032" : "6610", "J022" : "190", "R643" : "9251", "P031" : "2973", "T006" : "257", "U010" : "374", "J999" : "3524", "V105" : "4325", "K102" : "5137", "S130" : "8219", "R628" : "8669", "R120" : "9999", "J151" : "10104", "J089" : "8213", "U072" : "11689", "A129" : "11763", "V329" : "11771", "D212" : "12804", "S162" : "11940", "J209" : "11960", "S161" : "11373", "U072" : "11689", "Y504" : "12095", "P048" : "12268", "D204" : "12561", "B009" : "12782", "B012" : "12787", "T113" : "12430", "Y506" : "12820", "R131" : "12867", "P054" : "12749", "V353" : "13010", "V354" : "13102", "V355" : "13214", "Y509" : "12890", "V348" : "12951", "H012" : "13080", "A037" : "193", "U006" : "2984", "D064" : "3271", "T070" : "3290", "K010" : "662", "N052" : "2978", "Q187" : "3742", "J048" : "4429", "Q088" : "5280", "R529" : "5660", "V301" : "6065", "R651" : "10148", "A124" : "10774", "A060" : "149", "T068" : "3291", "M045" : "6232", "T095" : "10829", "V046" : "261", "V035" : "4260", "D032" : "157", "11168" : "11168", "T011" : "212", "T031" : "220", "B002" : "291", "N999" : "3381", "N999" : "3388", "J003" : "2992", "D069" : "3295", "M059" : "3363", "R601" : "5727", "U049" : "6347", "V202" : "7538", "D068" : "3879", "G029" : "3983", "U040" : "4708", "M029" : "5844", "M115" : "6541", "S112" : "7191", "R113" : "7919", "T105" : "8481", "S161" : "11373", "J162" : "11395", "D034" : "168", "D086" : "5495", "L017" : "5749", "7331" : "7331", "P032" : "320", "C023" : "344", "A055" : "3002", "M013" : "3007", "D065" : "133", "A061" : "139", "W004" : "3397", "R628" : "6677", "M054" : "7305", "V318" : "8113", "V207" : "9834", "V136" : "9887", "W079" : "10689", "J134" : "11009", "R572" : "5900", "J176" : "11477", "9699" : "9699", "S018" : "249", "U008" : "372", "G059" : "960", "T046" : "240", "J037" : "6692", "S153" : "11033", "V060" : "4224", "V048" : "3056", "G071" : "3049", "A027" : "3358", "A125" : "217", "T027" : "11142", "L063" : "173", "A050" : "3526", "M035" : "3555", "6213" : "6213", "L015" : "3796", "V302" : "6424", "J001" : "183", "A057" : "191", "R645" : "9259", "R301" : "252", "V038" : "263", "U023" : "375", "S019" : "3549", "V103" : "4327", "H006" : "5873", "R527" : "8657", "R625" : "8670", "R119" : "10000", "R621" : "7330", "P020" : "11669", "J198" : "11668", "A130" : "11840", "P039" : "11923", "J095" : "11928", "T109" : "11975", "W029" : "12078", "Y502" : "12305", "P052" : "12565", "U078" : "12349", "B006" : "12777", "R132" : "12681", "U083" : "12428", "H011" : "12739", "V336" : "12860", "Y511" : "13101", "J257" : "13119", "R137" : "393", "V317" : "13202", "P053" : "12920", "Y520" : "13251", "M044" : "140", "A001" : "196", "R092" : "2986", "M022" : "3286", "K014" : "582", "D005" : "783", "N050" : "2979", "V105" : "4328", "C028" : "4431", "K022" : "5310", "R551" : "5662", "Z011" : "6066", "U059" : "10105", "R631" : "10150", "R124" : "10785", "S004" : "208", "N999" : "3379", "R638" : "7400", "Q081" : "305", "W074" : "4599", "M026" : "158", "D172" : "11179", "S031" : "214", "R076" : "221", "Q020" : "293", "V002" : "3382", "N999" : "3389", "J999" : "2995", "W099" : "3359", "M059" : "3364", "A091" : "5743", "K014" : "6299", "I013" : "6355", "J070" : "7539", "M093" : "4679", "M043" : "4025", "S026" : "4737", "D139" : "5846", "V049" : "6600", "J035" : "7241", "S109" : "7929", "K026" : "10940", "WA03" : "8527", "J160" : "11377", "J166" : "11447", "M027" : "169", "C030" : "5548", "V034" : "225", "S037" : "234", "D007" : "337", "L072" : "879", "A040" : "913", "J039" : "3003", "J999" : "3008", "M023" : "134", "N999" : "3392", "V080" : "5863", "S114" : "6684", "M117" : "7991", "P013" : "8562", "C035" : "9872", "J117" : "10543", "M133" : "10701", "V096" : "5866", "T090" : "6015", "8166" : "8166", "V033" : "241", "S024" : "250", "R092" : "358", "D018" : "955", "R625" : "8606", "K011" : "3026", "M113" : "7313", "S155" : "11495", "R093" : "4226", "V035" : "4266", "J118" : "10733", "A019" : "3376", "V023" : "3448", "W024" : "11496", "V041" : "198", "3532" : "3532", "J010" : "3556", "J031" : "6231", "V034" : "3871", "L019" : "6530", "A048" : "185", "J048" : "192", "R646" : "9260", "V037" : "254", "N053" : "264", "U025" : "376", "D070" : "3618", "Q088" : "5048", "M102" : "5875", "R632" : "8659", "J072" : "9938", "V324" : "10078", "I020" : "8115", "D174" : "11686", "W028" : "11637", "W033" : "11743", "J195" : "11961", "U067" : "11883", "D181" : "12130", "D177" : "12286", "A134" : "12564", "B010" : "12783", "V338" : "12587", "D209" : "12877", "D207" : "12878", "A145" : "13148", "M119" : "9203", "D216" : "13197", "R138" : "396", "U081" : "12917", "G033" : "12932", "D031" : "144", "S033" : "202", "Q066" : "272", "Q092" : "282", "M011" : "3369", "V012" : "3377", "R051" : "3675", "T068" : "4336", "V310" : "7389", "A109" : "8259", "R629" : "8671", "D121" : "9226", "R105" : "7362", "J118" : "10771", "J028" : "10856", "W010" : "10928", "J093" : "11297", "U009" : "377", "M034" : "154", "6670" : "6670", "6735" : "6735", "D110" : "10408", "R647" : "10724", "N055" : "301", "A001" : "828", "V051" : "2989", "J050" : "3848", "Q072" : "4566", "D084" : "4676", "D091" : "5747", "R642" : "9423", "D119" : "9472", "7565" : "7565", "R109" : "8392", "D115" : "8417", "J028" : "4740", "T077" : "5849", "J069" : "7062", "P020" : "10397", "U051" : "8439", "10999" : "10999", "V320" : "9758", "F004" : "571", "V067" : "4868", "N054" : "5174", "S022" : "229", "L019" : "9616", "D058" : "165", "A023" : "906", "W002" : "3401", "D004" : "954", "C029" : "5853", "R054" : "4809", "S106" : "5859", "V098" : "5869", "R101" : "7248", "V313" : "8041", "V321" : "8586", "W022" : "11493", "T080" : "610", "L014" : "3013", "J158" : "11014", "J167" : "11448", "R639" : "8345", "A118" : "9891", "D040" : "174", "A040" : "179", "D103" : "8462", "M051" : "2963", "J023" : "3046", "V997" : "3408", "V042" : "3480", "A083" : "4259", "W026" : "11550", "A060" : "3276", "N061" : "11051", "W017" : "11113", "T110" : "11610", "V036" : "206", "D005" : "3646", "D167" : "10976", "J007" : "3744", "U021" : "3898", "A085" : "6562", "U002" : "379", "N029" : "2966", "P033" : "2971", "V040" : "3057", "S020" : "3503", "V101" : "4311", "R094" : "5095", "C010" : "5946", "T102" : "6782", "V307" : "6816", "R632" : "7323", "S119" : "8177", "D111" : "11802", "J180" : "11661", "J202" : "11658", "D171" : "11820", "P043" : "11926", "J208" : "11962", "P045" : "12060", "Y503" : "12110", "P050" : "12352", "D204" : "12561", "D200" : "12524", "B004" : "12779", "B013" : "12786", "T116" : "12592", "Y506" : "12821", "D186" : "12880", "D215" : "13123", "V346" : "13185", "U088" : "13252", "Y508" : "12890", "S166" : "12923", "S169" : "13220", "A067" : "148", "T063" : "207", "Q027" : "276", "N030" : "286", "J084" : "3371", "R087" : "3621", "N999" : "3713", "G032" : "7365", "S113" : "8230", "V122" : "8266", "M119" : "9203", "I010" : "6229", "R656" : "10147", "T023" : "10165", "J121" : "10891", "S141" : "10936", "U063" : "11189", "T005" : "259", "M025" : "151", "G029" : "4786", "R624" : "6675", "R644" : "9421", "H006" : "10545", "D042" : "150", "A099" : "825", "A012" : "831", "Z007" : "3817", "U013" : "3865", "Q182" : "4568", "M103" : "4678", "J090" : "8424", "C029" : "9432", "G031" : "159", "M100" : "7620", "M118" : "8411", "Z005" : "4707", "D108" : "12991", "S111" : "6527", "R081" : "7115", "D140" : "10337", "J067" : "7990", "D137" : "10988", "D126" : "9578", "J112" : "9783", "K010" : "587", "M109" : "5122", "6797" : "6797", "S034" : "232", "M028" : "162", "L040" : "343", "W005" : "3398", "D034" : "170", "V037" : "3403", "T072" : "4781", "I006" : "4841", "S103" : "5861", "R625" : "6676", "J064" : "7288", "V319" : "8112", "V134" : "9808", "M088" : "590", "D006" : "908", "P007" : "5819", "J133" : "11019", "J173" : "11451", "R628" : "8346", "P018" : "10069", "A048" : "176", "A001" : "181", "S103" : "8488", "M014" : "3024", "V041" : "3405", "V997" : "3410", "Q070" : "4172", "N003" : "2965", "U065" : "11588", "U061" : "10738", "J144" : "10899", "R123" : "10203", "A050" : "160", "P022" : "10892", "R115" : "9238", "W014" : "11107", "C022" : "6373", "U021" : "8717", "J019" : "6611", "H099" : "408", "N999" : "2968", "P030" : "2974", "M050" : "3072", "C025" : "3140", "J999" : "3525", "V101" : "4326", "P036" : "5184", "J057" : "6007", "R102" : "6810", "R104" : "7320", "R556" : "7325", "J102" : "8214", "P028" : "11678", "J092" : "11628", "D102" : "6686", "V330" : "11843", "D211" : "12804", "D145" : "10637", "U071" : "11688", "M151" : "12129", "P051" : "12295", "D203" : "12560", "B015" : "12788", "B011" : "12784", "V341" : "12558", "J229" : "12852", "R130" : "12871", "V339" : "12756", "J240" : "13128", "M156" : "13122", "Q046" : "12642", "R137" : "393", "A144" : "12919", "S165" : "13011", "D011" : "195", "V006" : "269", "V016" : "278", "C010" : "578", "M006" : "3372", "R081" : "3622", "S093" : "13245", "I019" : "7366", "J102" : "8232", "J063" : "8276", "A117" : "9212", "N059" : "10790", "R627" : "10149", "J074" : "10178", "J131" : "10913", "J141" : "11167", "J161" : "11195", "Q065" : "298", "D033" : "152", "N056" : "292", "G002" : "4787", "R621" : "6678", "T105" : "9517", "D145" : "10637", "H001" : "826", "A012" : "832", "M037" : "3826", "T072" : "3872", "A082" : "4610", "Q187" : "5732", "J047" : "9365", "V317" : "9442", "S016" : "224", "D055" : "7759", "R110" : "8413", "S009" : "4713", "D089" : "5845", "6564" : "6564", "T100" : "7209", "D141" : "10350", "J103" : "8425", "D138" : "10994", "WA10" : "9637", "V135" : "9799", "4825" : "4825", "N055" : "5125", "D102" : "7031", "R300" : "233", "D043" : "163", "M053" : "345", "W001" : "3399", "S002" : "237", "Z007" : "4097", "T071" : "4782", "F015" : "4896", "S102" : "5862", "L023" : "6680", "M052" : "7306", "J101" : "8561", "J073" : "9869", "S087" : "605", "C022" : "959", "J128" : "11012", "S152" : "11027", "J168" : "11488", "D142" : "9717", "J015" : "171", "J082" : "177", "A113" : "8397", "H049" : "961", "M004" : "3025", "V037" : "3406", "M012" : "3417", "V040" : "4225", "M055" : "3481", "S032" : "3128", "J124" : "10745", "J143" : "11091", "R640" : "10221", "T067" : "197", "D168" : "11101", "R117" : "10312", "A072" : "3673", "U040" : "6378", "D087" : "9148", "D999" : "184", "V997" : "572", "N003" : "2969", "Q065" : "2975", "J085" : "3075", "V017" : "3142", "Q092" : "3616", "P010" : "4956", "U011" : "5874", "V120" : "6700", "D054" : "6811", "S110" : "11750", "N058" : "7359", "D109" : "7111", "D174" : "11622", "W021" : "11645", "J213" : "11864", "P038" : "11921", "D182" : "12063", "J194" : "119611", "U076" : "12039", "W031" : "12140", "Y500" : "12091", "V329" : "12263", "D203" : "12560", "R133" : "12555", "B008" : "12781", "Q046" : "12642", "J095" : "1022", "J241" : "12789", "Y513" : "13089", "A138" : "13097", "B039" : "394", "J254" : "13004", "D041" : "146", "T062" : "205", "Q063" : "273", "P003" : "285", "M005" : "3370", "V036" : "3378", "R053" : "3678", "V311" : "7364", "D075" : "8228", "V133" : "8265", "S131" : "8725", "U014" : "6228", "S115" : "7363", "Z018" : "10164", "D153" : "10875", "W011" : "10929", "U064" : "11182", "S024" : "253", "T089" : "4126", "V040" : "4765", "R623" : "6674", "V302" : "6780", "R122" : "10525", "S145" : "10939", "Q081" : "309", "V034" : "3385", "Q090" : "2990", "U007" : "3864", "Q183" : "4567", "M101" : "4677", "A092" : "5750", "C029" : "9431", "D124" : "9480", "U301" : "7569", "S137" : "8400", "R111" : "8421", "R096" : "5756", "J062" : "6525", "V303" : "7076", "D144" : "10327", "F022" : "10486", "J139" : "10985", "D164" : "11001", "J105" : "9780", "K016" : "584", "4894" : "4894", "A093" : "5473", "S001" : "231", "D002" : "161", "M087" : "342", "A021" : "910", "W055" : "3402", "J042" : "3023", "J051" : "4742", "D075" : "4837", "S101" : "5860", "U038" : "6620", "V123" : "7252", "S124" : "8087", "R091" : "8609", "A099" : "818", "5752" : "5752", "J159" : "11015", "J172" : "11449", "J155" : "10839", "D116" : "9907", "H003" : "175", "P001" : "180", "S133" : "8480", "N002" : "2964", "V049" : "3055", "V997" : "3409", "Z007" : "4098", "T048" : "251", "T098" : "11572", "W006" : "3355", "S100" : "11084", "W013" : "11114", "A050" : "138", "V048" : "3513", "6379" : "6379", "R659" : "11104", "D087" : "6328", "N053" : "4040", "A085" : "6563", "J021" : "407", "N004" : "2967", "R114" : "9321", "J026" : "3071", "F005" : "3135", "R053" : "3506", "V103" : "4324", "K101" : "5136", "J060" : "5994", "A097" : "6805", "V309" : "6817", "R629" : "7324", "R639" : "8207", "U070" : "11684", "D174" : "11540", "J188" : "11720", "R110" : "11850", "J214" : "11951", "J096" : "12013", "D180" : "12014", "R126" : "12016", "V331" : "12220", "W036" : "12139", "T112" : "12525", "Y505" : "12325", "T114" : "12609", "V343" : "12815", "V337" : "12726", "A139" : "12876", "R304" : "13067", "R138" : "396", "N083" : "12933", "R211" : "13244", "M036" : "142", "S021" : "199", "Q027" : "270", "V038" : "281", "M009" : "3368", "J015" : "3373", "T069" : "3660", "M035" : "4334", "S113" : "7367", "I022" : "8258", "M120" : "8320", "P017" : "9214", "N060" : "7361", "R621" : "10151", "D122" : "10848", "W012" : "10927", "T020" : "317", "A059" : "153", "6622" : "6622", "R622" : "6679", "R646" : "10334", "A090" : "10651", "R045" : "296", "A006" : "827", "V050" : "2988", "J023" : "3827", "Q071" : "4565", "D083" : "4611", "Q186" : "5744", "WA05" : "9371", "R643" : "9453", "S010" : "315", "I021" : "7780", "G084" : "8416", "U041" : "4738", "Z011" : "5847", "A074" : "6608", "V135" : "9801", "S140" : "10352", "P070" : "8438", "Q043" : "10995", "R644" : "9662", "A069" : "461", "D065" : "4839", "5126" : "5126", "T064" 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"1510", "P123" : "1508", "M161" : "1506", "M163" : "1504", "V551" : "13663", "R713" : "1509", "J096" : "13626", "D216" : "13626", "V402" : "1503", "21" : "21", "B524" : "1569", "R667" : "1559", "B525" : "352", "P130" : "1508", "P132" : "1508", "P133" : "1510", "P131" : "1510", "D187" : "1525", "D189" : "1527", "D188" : "1526", "Z506" : "1571", "A159" : "1507", "13663" : "13663", "R725" : "1529", "W087" : "1545", "W087" : "13688", "D242" : "1537", "R221" : "1542", "D249" : "1541", "J276" : "1540", "W085" : "1553", "R127" : "1539", "Q073" : "1560", "1558" : "1558", "Q074" : "1560", "Q075" : "1561", "Y555" : "1607", "M164" : "1554", "1543" : "1543", "D148" : "9840", "D112" : "8006", "w085" : "1553", "B574" : "1530", "M164" : "1554", "D250" : "1543", "P272" : "1557", "P273" : "1557", "Z507" : "1621", "D194" : "1556", "V520" : "1558", "Y556" : "13443", "Y557" : "12852", "Y559" : "1606", "Y561" : "13364", "Y558" : "1573", "Y562" : "1585", "1621" : "1621", "J075" : "11747", "8320" : "8320", 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"B508" : "340", "B521" : "351", "B508" : "361", "B541" : "384", "B540" : "383", "B506" : "353", "V406" : "1708", "Y564" : "1657", "P134" : "543", "J287" : "1665", "M169" : "1667", "R087" : "8611", "B577" : "1710", "B585" : "1709", "P292" : "1738", "D254" : "1671", "V535" : "1652", "P146" : "1698", "P148" : "1698", "P147" : "1698", "Q100" : "1686", "Q100" : "1685", "V389" : "1661", "1670" : "1670", "D190" : "1699", "D301" : "1732", "V389" : "1661", "M165" : "1662", "1524" : "1524", "S196" : "1689", "1524" : "1524", "P203" : "71", "P205" : "290", "P206" : "290", "P243" : "107", "P242" : "107", "P247" : "454", "P246" : "296", "P260" : "455", "P226" : "64", "P221" : "76", "P253" : "520", "P236" : "76", "P254" : "520", "P256" : "82", "D302" : "1733", "D302" : "1733", "1700" : "1700", "W094" : "1700", "W095" : "1703", "W095" : "1703", "W095" : "1703", "W094" : "1700", "W094" : "1700", "J289" : "1693", "D255" : "1690", "M167" : "1696", "M167" : "1696", "M167" : "1697", "M167" : "1696", "M161" 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Wireless Keyboard K360 (3)

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Wireless Keyboard K360 (31)

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Wireless Keyboard K360 (2024)


Why is my wireless keyboard not typing all letters? ›

For wireless keyboards that use Bluetooth, it's more likely that the wireless connection got disrupted or the keyboard's battery ran out. Another possibility is that software or driver issues are preventing your keyboard from working correctly.

Why isn't my wireless keyboard responding? ›

The batteries that you are using are low in power. The receiver is plugged into a port that is not working. The wireless device that you are using has trouble synchronizing with the receiver. There may be interference from other wireless devices.

Does K360 work with unifying receivers? ›

The K360 comes with a Logitech Unifying USB receiver that lets you pair up to six compatible Logitech tools, so you can add your Logitech mouse to that same receiver.

Why I Cannot type some letters on my keyboard? ›

Temporary software glitches happen all the time, and restarting the program is the fastest way around them. Turn on the keyboard if it has an on/off switch. If it's on and is battery-powered, check the batteries or ensure it's at least somewhat charged. Check the keyboard's connection to your computer.

Is the Logitech K360 keyboard Bluetooth? ›

The Logitech K360 doesn't have Bluetooth support and can only be used with its proprietary receiver.

How to sync Logitech keyboard K360? ›

How can I connect my Logitech Wireless Keyboard K360 to a different device? To connect your keyboard to another device, simply locate the connect button on both the keyboard and the receiver. Press and hold the connect button on the receiver, then press and hold the connect button on the keyboard.

How to turn on num lock on Logitech wireless keyboard K360? ›

The num lock button (above the 7 on the number pad) will toggle num lock on and off. When you press it, a notification towards the center of your computer screen should briefly pop up to indicate whether pressing it has turned it on or off.

How do I resync my wireless keyboard? ›

Resyncing the setup is fairly easy. There is usually a Connect button somewhere on the USB receiver. Press that, and a light on the receiver should start flashing. Then press the Connect button on the keyboard and/or mouse and the flashing light on the USB receiver should stop.

How do I remap my wireless keyboard keys? ›

To reassign a key

Connect the keyboard that you want to configure. Select the Start button, and then select Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard Center. From the displayed list of key names, select the key that you want to reassign. In the command list of the key that you want to reassign, select a command.

Why is my wireless keyboard typing the wrong keys? ›

Check NumLock is Off

The NumLock key can impact the behavior of certain keys on your keyboard, leading to unexpected character inputs. Ensure that NumLock is turned off, especially if your keyboard has a numeric keypad.

Why is my keyboard not typing correct keys? ›

Press "NumLock" or press "FN" + "NumLock" keys to make sure that it is disabled. Try typing again to see if your keys are fixed. If this doesn't fix your problem, you may have the wrong language selected. Switch between your active keyboard layouts.

Can you accidentally lock your keyboard? ›

You may have accidentally locked your keyboard due to the sticky and filter key functions being enabled. Step 1: On Windows 10, open Settings, and then select the Ease of access tab. Scroll down to the Interaction section on the sidebar and select Keyboard.

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Name: Aron Pacocha

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.